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Artis Moon & The Boundless Life:
Holistic, Trauma-Informed Therapeutic Support
for Mind, Body, and Soul.

The overarching theme of this work is
Learn practical tools to help you

embody Peace,

grow through whatever you're going through,

& support your wellbeing, mind, body, and soul.

• Meditation & Mindfulness
• Sound Healing
• Stress Management
• Reiki Treatment & Training
• Transformational Life Coaching
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
• Mind-Body Medicine
• Somatic Approaches to Healing Trauma
• Expressive Arts
• Creativity Coaching
• Women's Group Coaching
+ more 

Living the life of your dreams begins with the art of finding peace
with what Is, right here, right now.

All are welcome & valued here.

I'm a big advocate of creativity and of finding creative solutions to challenging problems.

The eclectic approach of The Boundless Life is heart-centered, holistic, trauma-informed, & dedicated to serving a diverse, culturally rich audience. The mission is holding a safe space for all to find inner peace, engage in alchemy of the Soul, & discover restoration of balance on all levels of being. I love working with people of all races, nationalities, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientation, & age.

I work with complimentary modalities in order to serve you in the way that best suits your needs and desires.

This work is backed by science, and can be deeply spiritual in nature, but transcends religious orientation.

Have questions?

Read more about my approach below, & feel free to email or text me.
Interested in working with me, but not sure where to begin?
Book a complimentary 15-30 minute Clarity Call to see how I can be of service.

Introduction & Approach

Artis Moon Amarché, CEO of The Boundless Life: I am an eclectic soul - an interdisciplinary artist, rebellious wayshower, & holistic healing guide. I founded my holistic healing practice to hold trauma-informed space for individuals' & groups' self-healing, self-expression, self-empowerment, & self-actualization. I'm here to actively engage you in your experience of the Present as you resolve issues from your past and journey through your own ever-evolving growth and healing process. ​ I have been honored to guide many different people into a state of deep peace and transformation, at a variety of venues, which have included: the Smithsonian's National Gallery of Art, the Renwick, and the Arts & Industries Building, The Kennedy Center, Eaton Wellness, The Line Hotel, Take Five Meditation, Recharj, The Wing, Gensler, DC Fray, the Meyer Foundation, WeWork, Eighteenth Street Lounge, and DC & Prince George's County Public Schools.  ​ As needs dictate, I weave complimentary practices in an intuitively customized & holistic way, in order to offer deep Restoration & tools for Transformation, help you find balance all levels of being, and find the practices which resonate with you the most that you can integrate into your life for continued support of your own well-being. I offer weekly sound baths on Thursday evenings  in downtown DC at Eaton Wellness, plus soundbaths for hire, special workshops, Arts & Wellness programming, Moon Circles, Reiki training, and more.  You can come to me, or bring me to your workplace, home, or other location, in person or virtually.  I have a team of Reiki therapists & other complimentary practitioners I work with when needed. I am available for trauma-informed one-one-one or group support that is a great alternative or compliment to traditional therapy, in private, community, & corporate settings, organically weaving in Mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & Life Coaching. Soon, I will be adding Hypnosis to my repertoire of services. ​ Please join my mailing list & follow me on social media. Links in the footer. ​

“Creativity is our birthright.
It is an integral part of being human, as basic as walking, talking, & thinking....  

The creative process, like a spiritual journey, is intuitive, nonlinear, and experiential.
It points us toward our essential nature, which is a reflection of the boundless creativity of the universe....”

- John Daido Loori


I aim to guide embodied souls, spirits having a human experience, into states of conscious rest where you can release the effects of your stressful life, work through deep healing as you're ready, & discover a host of inner resources to bring you a newfound peace. Tap into creative resources that hold some of the keys to your freedom. Whether in a group or 1:1, I'm here to soothe your tired soul, to help you reset, to help you uncover your limiting beliefs, & unravel the conditioning that is holding you back. I am here to help you grow through what you're going through, & to Let Go of what's not serving you, what's not in alignment with who you are & who you're becoming.  I'm here to help you find your path, heal your past, and strengthen your internal compass that will keep you in alignment with your Purpose, as you co-create your future with the Divine while surrendering to acceptance of the present. ​ ​ Find some of my most popular offerings below, or visit All Offerings for a comprehensive list. If you don't see what you're looking for, just ask!

Menu of Offerings

Free your mind, and the rest will follow...

Change your story, change your life!

Enjoy the creative process of peeling back the layers of identity which conceal the truth of who you really are. Learn to be at peace with the ebb & flow of life, the cyclical rhythm of cocooning, transforming, unfolding, & becoming.

Gain practical, scientifically-proven methods, to reduce the stress in your life & tap into your magic to help you take charge of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Let a shift in perspective help you to see your life holistically, noting how everything is interconnected, how symptoms can be our teachers. Learn how to not only stay sane, but even thrive, in what sometimes feels like a not-so-sane world.  

Group and 1:1 services are available in-person or online.

The Boundless Life offers:

  • 1:1 customized sessions which may include

    • Meditation

    • Reiki

    • Transformational Life Coaching 

    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

    • Somatic Psychology

    • Sound Healing

    • Shamanic Journeying

    • Expressive Therapies such as visual art, music, vocalizing, movement

    • Holistic Trauma Healing

    • Package pricing & financing available

  • Polish Your Shine - a Shero's Journey - 3-month in-depth, holistic approach to healing from trauma & abuse on all levels of being

  • Weekly sound bath meditation class, in person & via livestream

  • Moon Circles - in person + via livestream worldwide

  • Reiki Immersion Training & Certification (with a hybrid in-person/online offering)

  • Private & Corporate

    • Mindfulness & guided meditation

    • Sound healing / sound baths

    • Stress Management programs

    • Mind-Body Skills Groups

    • Restorative Circles

    • Expressive Therapies

    • Wellness days with Reiki, Reflexology, & massage

    • Custom programming for people with disabilities

    • Custom Retreats

  • Sip & Paint - corporate or private; or the sober version, Prana & Paint - incorporating meditation & breath work

  • Visual art for sale, commissions, murals, photography for hire, arts instruction, & workshops

  • Special programs for people of all ages, customized to your needs

Are you looking for support in empowering yourself as you move forward on your own unique path?


At the heart of this work is RESTORATION & TRANSFORMATION.


The purpose is to tune in to the subtle messages your higher self is giving you - whether that is through physical symptoms that are manifesting, a whisper from your soul, or emotional & energetic imbalance - and move forward with Intention and Purpose.  


I offer very real, practical tools to manage & help prevent stress, RESTORE balance to your mental / emotional / physical wellbeing; and practices to help you to TRANSFORM, awaken to your authentic voice, strengthen your connection with your core self, and empower yourself to respond to life, rather than react to it. Tune in to your innate healing powers. 


Increase your confidence in listening to your intuition. When we have restored peace within ourselves, even just for a bit, it allows us to be in a state to receive the divine guidance that is available to us.

We all have something we are working through, whether we are recovering from childhood trauma or other emotional wounds, releasing negative conditioning, trying to shift something in the way we relate to ourselves or others, trying manifest the next phase in our lives, or just trying to find peace with where we are right now.

I am here to help you make sense of it all.

from the magical pre-pandemic days of packed Full Moon Circles at Take Five Meditation in DC, 2019

Find your equanimity.

I see you.  I hear you.  I honor you.  I am honored to hold space for you.  

"What is true meditation? It is to make everything: coughing, swallowing, waving the arms, motion, stillness, words, action, the evil & the good, prosperity & shame, gain & loss, right & wrong, into one single koan."
- Hakuin

Let's explore!
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