Private - 30 mins
Distance Reiki Recharge, Clarity Session, or Emergency Mental Health Support
Join me.
* IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF URGENT SUPPORT, PLEASE TEXT ME. Phone number is at the bottom of the page. If needed, you can pay later, after emergency has passed. This thirty minute appointment is for those who are looking for a little support, whether with or without Reiki, or those dealing with a somewhat acute issue and want an 'emergency appointment' to receive Reiki, to move energy through the issue, restore balance, and facilitate shift, whether the issue is emotional/mental, physical, or spiritual. This is for teens & children as well. You can let me know if you're looking for a quick Reiki boost, or if you'd like a Clarity Session, tarot cards optional. This session is typically conducted by Zoom or Facetime. Reiki is not bound by time or space so it actually is still highly effective. For Reiki: We will have a quick check-in about what's going on, I will guide you through the session as though we are in the same room, and then (if you're not in active emergency) we'll have a brief closing dialogue with homework. The beautiful thing about Reiki is that at times, the effects are almost immediate, particularly when it comes to physical symptoms or acute anxiety. Sometimes the effect is more subtle, or more profound, noticeable days or even weeks afterwards, when you simply realize that the issue has shifted.
Cancellation Policy
Your payment is non-refundable, but it may be transferable to future sessions or workshops, if you cancel with at least 24 hours notice. If you cancel in less than 24 hours from the appointment, I may allow 50% credit to be applied to a future session, on a case by case basis. Please read my full policy on my Policies page.
Contact Details
+ 2022154498
3510 Rhode Island Avenue, Mount Rainier, MD, USA