Reiki Mastery Registration

Thank you so much for your interest in the most comprehensive Reiki training program around.
When registration for this program opens again in May 2023, you will interview, and before signing up, you will have considered what is involved in this commitment, & know that you are ready for this life-changing adventure.
The value included in this hybrid in-person / online Immersion:
Twice-monthly 2-hr. meetings which include meditation, Reiki lessons, group practice, & group life coaching ($1200 value)
Weekly 1-hr. check-ins (up to 50 weeks - $1000 value)
Commitment to monthly session exchanges with the other members ($180 value)
Commitment to regularly practice on others outside the group if you are interested in practicing professionally, or are already (inherent value)
Monthly practice session with Artis (your Master Teacher) ($1800 value)
Monthly 1.5 hr. private session with Artis ($2,700 value)
Opportunities to practice professionally as a group (inherent value + potential earnings for you)
Support for your practice if you are already practicing professionally ($1800 value)
Private class site & forum for sharing experiences, video replays, information & learning materials, etc. ($360 value)
Apprenticing with your Master Teacher in teaching Reiki I & II if desired ($1200 value)
Reiki III/Master Level Certification (value encompassed in this list)
$10 Discount off biweekly Moon Circles ($240 value)
That's a total value of at least $10,480 for the year that you're getting for $1800.
You can sign up for an auto-deduct payment plan of $150/month, but if you prefer to instead to be invoiced & pay in full or 2 payments, or you need an alternative payment arrangement, let me know. Discount for paying in full.
When interviews for this program are opened again, a registration link will be available below.